Program Overview

The Board of Revision (BoR) Training Program has been designed for current or future members, chairs and secretaries of boards of revision in Saskatchewan. 

This program is offered completely online. Once activated, participants have 10 weeks to complete the Modules and the corresponding quizzes. The program should take participants less than 20 hours to complete, however, that will vary based on your own approach to learning/reading and preparing for quizzes. 

Note: This is an introductory course.  You will not be an expert after this course and if you need further information you should consult additional resources and seek legal advice if needed. 

Please be advised that members and secretaries of boards of revision have to follow the legislative requirements in terms of training and certification.

Quick Facts

Looking for answers to some of your key questions? We have you covered.

Program Type Module-based program
Program Length Less than 20 hours over a 10-week period
Start Date No standard start date. Program activated upon registration.  
Registration Deadline No registration deadline.
Program Cost $100 for BOR Fundamentals and $100 to challenge the exam
Location Online

Core Learning Outcomes

This BoR Training Program focuses on key topics such as:

  • Principles of Administrative Justice
  • Property Assessment Concepts in Saskatchewan
  • Effective Hearings/Administrative Tribunal Proceedings
  • Rules of Evidence for Administrative Tribunals
  • Post Administrative Tribunal Hearing Deliberation and Decision Writing
  • Plain Language in Administrative Tribunal Proceedings and Decisions
  • Interpreting Legislation/Application of Legal Tests
  • Compiling a Proper Record of Hearing
  • Administrative Tribunal Case Management
  • The Role of the Chairperson
  • The Role of the Secretary

By the end of the program, you will be well equipped to:

  • Understand the history and purpose of administrative tribunals and how those purposes can be achieved in a modern context
  • Establish effective processes before, during, and after hearings
  • Understand the rules of evidence in order that they can properly consider relevant information during hearings
  • Recognize the importance of clear, understandable language and use tools and tests to ensure their processes and decisions are easily understood
  • Understand and apply the important components of the decision-making process and transfer that decision-making process into an understandable result
  • Ensure the tribunals know what they can and cannot do, that they stay within the framework of their enabling legislation and regulations, and that they understand which legal tests to apply and when to apply them
  • Recognize the importance of good support processes that result in effective and efficient case management and gain knowledge of tools for quick, cheap, and uncomplicated processes
  • Understand the factors for tribunals to consider in deciding how to maintain a proper record of their processes and best practices so that users of the process have confidence that records are accurate, reliable, and appropriately confidential
  • Understand the responsibilities that can and should fall to the chairperson, which of those might be assumed by someone else, and what is the appropriate level of influence for a chairperson to exert
  • Access techniques and tools for board chairs to be effective team leaders and attributes of effective board chairs
  • Understand the roles, responsibilities, and the legislative framework and accountability specific to the secretary’s role, including case management tasks


Once enrolled, you must get 70% or higher on each of the quizzes to pass the program. You will have two opportunities to successfully complete each quiz. If you are unsuccessful after two attempts, you must re-register and re-take the program.

If you already have relevant experience and training, you can opt to choose the "Direct to Examination" option without having to review the program content. If you are unsuccessful at meeting the required passing grade (70% minimum on each quiz), you will be granted access to the program's content and will have one more opportunity to pass the exam. If you are unsuccessful on the second attempt, you must re-register and re-take the program.

The Johnson Shoyama Graduate School will share aggregate information with the Ministry of Government Relations, which includes your name and whether you have completed the program. Specific details about grades or attempts will not be shared.

A certificate of completion will be issued electronically upon successfully completing the program. This will be emailed to you a few days after you complete the program.

Program Developers

Content for the Board of Revision (BoR) Training Program was developed by:



BOR Fundamentals Challenge the Exam
Training Program and Exam Direct to Examination
$100 + GST $100 + GST  
$100 No GST $100 No GST

Please note:

  • If you have a promo/discount code, you will be asked to apply it during the registration process.
  • If you are GST-exempt, you will need to provide your exemption number during the registration process.
  • There are no refunds for cancellations, and we are unable to transfer registrations to another participant. However, if you start the program and need to temporarily pause the programming for any reason, we can allow for a defer in the timing to complete.

Upon submission of your registration, you will receive an email receipt. Within 3 business days, you will be sent a detailed email with instructions on how to access the program, which is run through Canvas (Learning Management System). You will have to create your own password.

Contact Us

For more information on registering, please email