Cadmus Delorme

Driving Saskatchewan’s Future

A Cree and Salteaux male and from the Cowessess and Ochapowace First Nation, Cadmus Delorme now calls Regina home.

“I want to be the Governor General of Canada,” Cadmus Delorme once proudly confessed to the current Governor General of Canada, David Johnston, in 2011 while he met with students in Regina. Always one to communicate with humour, Delorme has a strong passion for learning, staying open minded and pushing the status quo. His drive in life is to create equality for people – especially First Nations, Métis and Inuit people.

A Cree and Salteaux male and from the Cowessess and Ochapowace First Nation, Cadmus Delorme now calls Regina home. He is currently enrolled in the Master of Public Administration program at the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy (JSGS). Recently, Delorme was named one of CBC Saskatchewan’s Future 40, a contest which celebrates the province’s new generation of leaders, builders and change-makers under the age of 40.


Growing up in small communities, Delorme attributes much of his success to his family and friends. His parents, Charlotte and Bruce, and eight older siblings provided him with encouragement, resources, discipline and unconditional love.

“As one walks through their journey in life, change will happen but your first ten years of teachings and experience stay engrained into your spirit”, says Delorme.

Cadmus gives credit to community member Wallace Taypotat, who instilled a competitive drive by teaching him the love to golf at a very young age. This relationship served him well as Delorme went on to win the 2009 First Nation Sports Award, to represent Team Saskatchewan between 2009-2012 at National Golf Championships, and to win the 2011 Mid-Amateur Saskatchewan Golf Championship, the 2012 Waskesiu Lobstick Open and Matchplay Championship.

Following his wife’s enrollment in 2008, Cadmus enrolled in the business administration program at the First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv). Beyond being a student, Cadmus served in many capacities within the student association, including vice-president (2010) and president (2011), and served as a student ambassador. In 2012, Delorme was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, an honour bestowed to him for his remarkable student leadership and because of the hospitality he showed towards Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, when they visited FNUniv in 2012. Cadmus is proud to say he is the second generation to attend FNUniv, his mother graduating in 1995 with an Education Degree.

“It was my undergrad experience that allowed me to set new goals for myself. This was accomplished through a comfortable environment allowing me to self-reflect, own my identity, learn new perspectives, and nation build.”

With an undergraduate degree under his belt, Delorme set his sights on a graduate studies.

“As I researched various graduate programs, what really struck me was the diversity and breadth of interesting courses offered through the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School. Knowing that as an MPA student, I could access this wealth of knowledge was really appealing to me,” says Delorme. “My decision to apply was reaffirmed by my colleague, Gayleen Anaquad, a recent JSGS alumnus.”


As one of Saskatchewan’s newly named change-makers, Delorme is busy completing his third semester as a JSGS MPA student.  He also works as a student recruitment officer at the FNUniv and volunteers on two committees – the Sask Sports Leadership Council and the RCMP Aboriginal Advisory for the F Division.

Passionate about taking an idea and being part of a group that makes it a reality, Delorme is thriving in an academic environment that breaths innovation and collaboration. He feels that the knowledge, practical experience and enthusiasm of his professors, makes his education all the more valuable. That, plus the knowledge and reflections of his fellow students from around the world, has made his experience worthwhile. 

“Through school, I’m strengthening the tools and knowledge that I’ll need to succeed in future projects – whether focused on the community, urban development or on nation building,” says Delorme. “I strongly believe that increasing First Nations capacity for self-determination, sustained community and economic development is imperative for the future of this province.”

“In the years to come, I see myself sitting amongst decision makers of numerous backgrounds creating equality for all. As to where that seat is, time will tell.”