Saskatchewan Election Study team releases results on attitudes towards the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly
The federal government’s move to eliminate the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB)’s monopoly on the selling of wheat, durum and barley has created considerable controversy with passionate arguments made by both opponents of the monopoly and those who want to see the monopoly saved. But what does the Saskatchewan public think about this issue?
The federal government’s move to eliminate the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB)’s monopoly on the selling of wheat, durum and barley has created considerable controversy with passionate arguments made by both opponents of the monopoly and those who want to see the monopoly saved. But what does the Saskatchewan public think about this issue?
As part of the Saskatchewan Election Study survey, Saskatchewan residents were asked about their view on the CWB’s monopoly. Respondents were asked the question: “Do you ‘favour’ or ‘oppose’ the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopoly on selling prairie wheat, durum and barley, or do you have ‘no opinion’ on this matter?” Using the results from this question, the team has produced a research brief highlighting a number of interesting findings. In particular, it examines how attitudes towards the CWB’s monopoly are related to the respondent’s age, education, party allegiance and the area of the province in which they live. The most intriguing aspect of the brief is a map produced by the Spatial Initiative at the University of Saskatchewan’s Social Sciences Research Laboratories that visually illustrates the support for the CWB monopoly across the province.
For more information, please visit the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy website at and search "Saskatchewan Election Study".