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CRC Daniel Béland testified by invitation before the Standing Committee on Finance
On May 27, 2010, Canada Research Chair Daniel Béland testified by invitation before the Standing Committee on Finance of the House of Commons on the future of Canada's pension system.
In Canada as in other countries, retirement pensions involve long-term commitments on the part of employers and governments. Canada's pension system has a number of outstanding qualities like the capacity to fight poverty effectively. However, many Canadians are concerned about the future of retirement security in our country. Considering trends like demographic aging, the 2008 financial crisis, and the decline in defined-benefit pensions, these concerns are legitimate. Pension reform is a difficult business because it involves complex rules and policy trade-offs and, in the case of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), discussions between Ottawa and the provinces. Read Daniel Béland's submission to the Committee.
Béland was also the lead faculty member for the JSGS pensions conference held at the University of Saskatchewan campus on March 8, 2010.