Presented by:  Yvonne Nyake Ndelle, PhD Candidate and CSIP Researcher 

Public acceptance is crucial to the adoption, successful commercialization and future of all technologies. It is a key determinant of the success of modern agricultural biotechnology (agbiotech) and a major predictor of its future expansion and development. 

Questions about acceptance of new technologies bring to the fore the concept of social license, which has been adopted by different sectors over the last two decades. Despite its widespread adoption, there remain significant gaps and variations in understanding, interpreting and implementing the concept. If agbiotech acceptance is a major problem, is social license an effective solution? Social license will do one of two things in the pathway to agbiotech adoption: facilitate acceptance and successful commercialization or escalate rejection. 

This research offers a critical assessment of the social license model as a private self-governance regime in Canada’s agri-food sector and provides unique insights into its varied conceptualizations by diverse stakeholders across the agbiotech supply chain.

Event Details

12:00 PM - 12:55 PM CST
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