Graduate School of Public Policy

JSGS Public Lecture ~ Climate Change and the Changing Saskatchewan Landscape

Presented by:

Barrie Bonsal, Senior Research Scientist, the Watershed Hydrology and Ecology Research Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada

David Sauchyn, Director, Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative

Moderated by Margot Hurlbert, Canada Research Chair in Climate Change, Energy and Sustainability Policy & Professor, JSGS

The Prairie Provinces are experiencing the impacts of climate change – from drought and wildfire to flooding and extreme heat. Weather events of amplified severity, regional land use policy and planning, together with socio-economic drivers are changing our Saskatchewan landscape. And the Saskatchewan landscape can experience all of these climate change impacts in the same year!

Climate change is not all negative. Prairie agriculture, and crop production in particular, may benefit from higher temperatures and a longer growing season. Achieving net benefits will require adaptation to ensure water security, limit the impacts of climate extremes and increased risk of pests, vector-borne diseases and invasive species, as well as associated business and policy risk. Managing climate change risk and making decisions for the future is critical for individuals and governments at all levels.

While governments and businesses have begun to assess climate risks and develop adaptation strategies, cities and communities are at the forefront of adaptation and resilience planning in the Prairie Provinces. Collaborative governance, considerations of future climate change and risks, and holistic planning for adaptation (from emergency preparedness to risk reduction) will be critical in addressing climate change risk.

This panel discusses policy and decision making in the context of climate change and the changing Saskatchewan landscape.

Event Information

Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Saskatchewan Time - CST (Central Standard Time)

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