Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation
In partnership with the Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation, CSIP has embarked on a project designed to increase public awareness of the energy challenges and choices facing Canadians and to promote evidence-informed decision making on energy related issues.
Watch for CSIP around the 04:33 mark of the Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation video.
Public Lectures and Presentations
"Citizen Energy": Social Innovation, Public Policy, and the German Energy Transformation
Towards a Canadian Climate Strategy: Avoiding the Hammer
Presented by Trevor McLeod, Director of the Centre for Natural Resources Policy, Canada West Foundation (May 5, 2016)
Given the current state of the Alberta and Saskatchewan economies, the prairie provinces may think they won’t be asked to do more on climate change to address international commitments. However, if the Trudeau government is serious about meeting Canada’s global environmental commitments, Alberta and Saskatchewan should be very concerned. What type of strategy should Canada and the provinces adopt to reduce emissions without hobbling the Canadian economy?
Nuclear: the Other Clean Energy
Presented by Neil Alexander, Executive Director, Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation (March 16, 2016)
The COP 21 climate summit was almost entirely lit by electricity produced in nuclear power plants. It was almost entirely emissions free and these facts were almost entirely ignored by conference delegates. Under the Paris Agreement, nations have committed to setting – and keeping – ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while also ensuring economic development and opportunity for the developing world. While it largely went unnoticed, nuclear energy was touted by climatologists and thought leaders as part of the necessary solution to this sustainability dilemma. As Canada embarks on its own path to a low-carbon economy, what is the potential role for nuclear energy domestically and how can Canada contribute to nuclear leadership and innovation internationally?
The Future of Nuclear Energy in Saskatchewan
Presented by Duane Bratt, Chair and Professor, Department of Policy Studies, Mount Royal University (March 6, 2015)
Saskatchewan has a long history of uranium mining, but ever since the Uranium Development Partnership of 2009 it has been investigating other uses of uranium. This has included fuel conversion and processing, nuclear waste disposal, and, in particular, building a nuclear power plant. This presentation traces the formation, process, and outcome of the UDP and examines more recent developments, both pro and con, towards Saskatchewan building its first nuclear power plant.