Jul 5, 2022

The real tech transfer from universities

By only counting patents, licensing revenues and commercial startups as our economic impact, we almost completely discount the impact of universities through the training of our graduates.

May 20, 2022

The problem with science-based public policy

We have a problem with how we situate science in our policy system. Increasingly we hear politicians, policy makers, policy entrepreneurs and citizens invoking science as the rationale or justification for specific policy action.

Apr 29, 2022

Central Bank Digital Currencies and Consumer Acceptance

In early March, the president of the United States signed an executive order instructing different agencies to study the development of a framework to regulate digital assets, i.e., all types of digitally issued financial assets and instruments used for payments and investments (Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, 2022). The White House stated that the project also asks for a detailed plan for the possible launch of a digital version of the dollar, a so-called “Central Bank Digital Currency” (CBDC). 

Mar 16, 2022

Reframing the Innovation Debate

The very best human communication is in the form of stories. This might be in the form of the latest crime series or the latest hard core non-fiction book on the past or the present. Stories are powerful and at their best tap into our brains in ways that motive us to change or think something new.

Jan 19, 2022

Canada’s carbon future

Canada has made a commitment to move to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This raises two fundamental questions: can the available technologies help us meet our goal or do we need new technologies that have yet to be proven?

Nov 17, 2021

Status of Gene Editing Use in Public Canadian Crop Breeding

In Spring 2021, Health Canada released proposed new guidance for the Novel Food Regulations, specifically focused on plant breeding, and conducted an open consultation seeking feedback from both industry stakeholders and general Canadian public. This move reflects the government’s intent to establish a predictable commercialization pathway in preparation for new products that are developed using new plant breeding techniques, more specifically, “gene editing” (GEd) techniques.

Oct 27, 2021

Part 2 - Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic: Returning to Normal in a Post-Pandemic World

Health remains an important consideration as we make choices about how we collectively and individually live our lives in a post-pandemic world. One risk we face in the post-pandemic period is that every issue will be examined through the filter of public health. The concern is that not everything is a public health issue or requires the same level of intensity that the COVID-19 epidemic warranted.