Summer Student to Executive Intern: My Experience at eHealth Saskatchewan
Ting Nie is a MPA student from the University of Regina campus, and a 2015 Intern at eHealth Saskatchewan.
By Ting Nie, MPA student and executive internI am an Executive Intern at eHealth Saskatchewan, and I report to Roseann Anderson, the Vice President of Finance and Administration. Before the internship started, eHealth also offered me a summer job. The first four months I built a costing model for the whole organization, which includes IT services, information governance, business and project management, legal and policy, and overhead costs. Through the development of the costing model, I became familiar with each division, and had a general understanding of their business and responsibilities.
The internship started in September, and I had the opportunity to join the weekly executive meetings to learn how the executive members work. Most of the time, I operated a benefits evaluation project to estimate how much value eHealth programs created to the Saskatchewan public and the health system. This evaluation is based on public research, reports and statistics. I made presentations to the Board of Directors and executives to introduce it. Now I am updating it with the feedback received. During the project I pulled information from the financial statements, annual reports, previous contracts and agreements and statistical information collected by eHealth. Other senior co-workers also provided me with a lot of input.
I believe the JSGS Executive Internship is one of the most valuable parts of my MPA program. I strongly recommend that all eligible students should apply to the JSGS Executive Internship Program.