Yara Malek, MPA candidate (Photo submitted)

Interning at the City of Saskatoon

Yara Malek, MPA candidate, is currently a Performance Improvement intern in the City of Saskatoon's Parks division.

By Yara Malek, MPA student and executive intern

My name is Yara Malek, a Master in Public Administration (MPA) candidate at the University of Saskatchewan. I am glad I had the opportunity to take part in the Executive Internship Program as a Performance Improvement intern at the City of Saskatoon "Municipal Government", reporting directly to the Performance Improvement Coordinator.

In my internship, I have had the opportunity to bring the theory I learnt at school to a new practical platform. I was able to broaden my horizons and witness how policies are made, implemented and evaluated through a comprehensive set of processes in a real-life setting. Moreover, my executive internship has introduced me to various high-level stakeholders and decision- makers.

Currently, I am working on several projects at a time, giving me the chance to multi-task, communicate, ask questions and write various government documents such as briefing notes and decision items.

One of the main projects that I was honored to lead is “Improving Training Tracking” at Parks. The aim of this project is to find innovative ways to track and enhance field- employees' training and to make sure teams are trained and well-equipped to meet City's safety and operational requirements.

Taking part in JSGS Executive Internship Program has definateny enhanced my MPA experience and opened doors for new opportunities.