Towards a Sustainable Future
With a background in international economics, Gabriela Beltran always had the urge to help improve people's quality of life and a policy degree became a tool to find those solutions.
By Charvee Sharma
Since joining the JSGS community in 2022, Gabriela Beltran has conducted research on the role of policies in enhancing communities' capacity to cope with water-related challenges in British Columbia.
Through her work at the University of Regina, she investigates sustainable adaptation strategies for regions facing water-related challenges, intensified by climate change. Beltran has also contributed to a collaborative research initiative focused on understanding how municipalities conceptualize community well-being, and the complexities associated with implementing well-being-based indicators in policy development.
These experiences have allowed her to collaborate with global experts, enriching her research and analytical skills, while exploring solutions to global problems.
As one of our recently graduated students, Beltran shares insights to her journey, the skills she gained, and the future endeavors that await.
What drew you to JSGS?
JSGS has a strong reputation for developing impactful public policy leaders and the school lays emphasis on addressing real-world issues through evidence-based research, which is very important to me.
I was particularly intrigued by the interdisciplinary nature of the program, which offers a broader perspective on policy analysis and governance. The opportunity to learn from experienced faculty and collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds was also a key factor, as it provided an ideal environment to further strengthen my skills and contribute to meaningful societal change.
How does the course align with your career aspirations?
The courses at JSGS helped me gain a deeper understanding of both classical and contemporary public policy theories, as well as the frameworks used for policy analysis and decision-making.
The research techniques for collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data enhanced my critical thinking skills and encouraged me to explore innovative solutions to pressing social problems, all of which align with my career aspirations in policy development.
Major highlights from your time at JSGS
During my time at JSGS, I had the opportunity to participate in two significant research projects: Well-being in Policy with Dr. Iryna Khovrenkov and Bridging the Water Adaptation Gap with Dr. Margot Hurlbert, which really helped me to expand my experience in research and contribute to policy improvement.
Another major highlight was my experience with the Pan-Canadian Model European Union 2023, when I travelled to Carleton University to participate in the European Council meetings and represented the Head of Government for France on the EU Arctic Policy. This was an invaluable experience and gave me the opportunity to meet extraordinary colleagues from all across Canada and deepened my understanding of the working of the European Union, its decision-making processes in the broader political landscape.
Lastly, serving as Vice-President of the JSGS Student Association was also a special highlight. This role allowed me to work closely with other students to enhance their graduate learning experience and contribute positively to the JSGS community by organzing academic and cultural activities together!
What are you looking forward to after graduation?
I look forward to applying my knowledge and skills in the public sector to make a positive impact on society. I believe that public policies should be viewed as investments that generate lasting benefits.
My goal is to address significant social challenges through effective policy development. I am eager to contribute to the creation of policies that guide collective behavior towards more favourable outcomes by promoting healthy behaviours and choices that help build equitable, healthy, and sustainable communities.