Graduate School of Public Policy


Murray Fulton is a professor emeritus in the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy and a Fellow in Co-operatives and Public Policy at the Centre for the Study of Co-operatives.

His research interests are focused in a number of areas, including industrial organization, agricultural and rural policy, and public sector and co-operative governance. He is the co-author of a number of books and reports, including Canadian Agricultural Policy and Prairie Agriculture and Co-operatives and Canadian Society. Fulton has also written many articles and papers on industrial organization, agricultural policy, and co-operatives. One important area of research has been an examination of the changes that are occurring in agriculture and the response of organizations—including agricultural co-operatives—to these changes. His current research is focused on governance and executive compensation in the public and quasi-public sectors. He is also interested in behavioural economics and its application to business strategy and public policy formation.

Download Murray Fulton's abridged CV. 


  • PhD, University of California, Berkeley
  • BA, Oxford University
  • MSc, Texas A&M University
  • BSA, University of Saskatchewan

Recent Grants/Awards

Recent Awards

  • Fellow, Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, 2013
  • Provost’s Award for Outstanding Graduate Teaching, 2012
  • Distinguished Graduate Supervision Award, 2007

Recent Research Funding

  • Principal Investigator, Federated Co-operatives Limited research funding – Co-operative Development in Rural and Aboriginal Communities in Western Canada, January 2014 – December 2015
  • Principal Investigator (Co-applicant: Michael Atkinson), Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant - Executive Compensation in the Public and Quasi-Public Sectors, April 2010 – March 2013
  • Principal Investigator (Co-applicant: Brett Fairbairn), SSHRC Standard Research Grant - Coordination, Identity and Success in a Federated Marketing System: Retail Co-operatives in Western Canada
  • Co-applicant (Principal Investigator: Brett Fairbairn), SSHRC Standard Research Grant - Cognition and Governance in the Social Economy: Innovation in Multistakeholder Organizations
  • Co-applicant (Principal Investigator: Richard Gray), AAFC Agriculture Innovation Network- Canadian Agriculture Innovation Research Network

Select Publications

Refereed Articles

  • Murray Fulton and T. Reynolds. 2015. “The Political Economy of Food Price Volatility: The Case of Vietnam and Rice.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97(4): 1206-26.
  • Murray Fulton. 2015. “Fellows Address: Agricultural Policy in the 21st Century – Economics and Politics.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 63(1): 7-18.
  • M.M. Atkinson, Murray Fulton and B. Kim. 2014. “Why Do Governments Use Pay for Performance? Contrasting Theories and Interview Evidence.” Canadian Public Administration 57(3): 436-458
  • Michael M. Atkinson and Murray Fulton. 2013. “Understanding Public Sector Ethics: Beyond Agency Theory in Canada’s Sponsorship Scandal.” International Public Management Journal 16 (3): 386-412.
  • Murray Fulton and K. Giannakas. 2013. "The Future of Agricultural Cooperatives". Annual Review of Resource Economics. 5.
  • M. Cule and M.E. Fulton. 2013. “Corporate governance and subjective well-being.” Applied Economics Letters 20(4): 364-367
  • Murray Fulton and K. Giannakas. 2012. "The Value of a Norm: Open Membership and the Horizon Problem in Cooperatives" Journal of Rural Cooperation. 40(2): 145-161.
  • A. Yiannaka and M.E. Fulton. 2011. “Getting Away with Robbery? Patenting Behavior with the Threat of Infringement.” Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 20(2): 625–648
  • M.E. Fulton and K. Larson. 2009. “Overconfidence and Hubris: The Demise of Agricultural Co-operatives in Western Canada” Journal of Rural Cooperation 37(2): 166-200
  • M.E. Fulton and J. Vercammen. 2009. Optimal Two-Part Pricing in a Carbon Offset Market: A Comparison of Organizational Types" Southern Journal of Economics 76(2): 513-532
  • P. Bontems and M. Fulton. 2009. Organizational Structure, Redistribution and the Endogeneity of Cost: Cooperatives, Investor-Owned Firms and the Cost of Procurement. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 72(1): 322-343
  • M. Cule and M. Fulton. 2009. Business culture and tax evasion: Why corruption and the unofficial economy can persist. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 72(3): 811-822 
  • M.E. Fulton and K. A. Larson. 2009. The Restructuring of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool: Overconfidence and Agency. Journal of Cooperatives Special Issue. 23:1-19.

Non-Refereed Articles

Book Chapters

  • M.E. Fulton and K. Giannakas. 2007. Agency and Leadership in Cooperatives: Endogenizing Organizational Commitment. (eds) K. Karantininis and J. Nilsson. Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies: The Role of Cooperatives in the Agri-Food Industry. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
  • M.E. Fulton, P. Farnese, B. McGregor, M. Boehm and A. Weersink. 2006. Instritutional and Organizational Change: Biosphere Greenhouse Gas Management in Canadian Great Plains Agriculture. (ed) F. Brouwer and B. McCarl. Rural lands, agriculture and climate beyond 2015: Usage and management responses. Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • M. E. Fulton, M. Boehm, H. Janzen and B. MacGregor. 2006. Biosphere Greenhouse Gas Management: Transformative Change in the Biophysical Landscape and Production Practices of Northern Great Plains Agriculture. (ed) F. Brouwer and B McCarl. Rural lands, agriculture and climate beyond 2015; Usage and management responses. Massachuesetts; Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • M.E. Fulton. 2005. Producer Associations: The International Experience. (eds) Bernard H. Sonntag, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle and John H. Skerritt. China's Agricultural and Rural Development in the Early 21st Century. Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.

Non-Refereed Articles

Current Research

  • Co-operative Development in Rural and Aboriginal Communities
  • Governance in Public Sector and Co-operative Organizations
  • Executive Compensation in the Public Sector
  • A Framework for Analyzing Policy When Consumers and Producers Differ