Graduate School of Public Policy


Dr. Michelle Bussière-Prytula is Associate Professor in the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Saskatchewan. She joined JSGS in April 2023 following administrative service as Dean of the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. During her service as Dean, Dr. Bussière-Prytula remained an active and contributing faculty member in the Department of Educational Administration. Prior to her appointment into the faculty, Dr. Bussière-Prytula held teaching, vice-principal, and principal positions in Pre-k-12 in Saskatchewan.

At the University, she holds a strong track-record in undergraduate and graduate teaching within the areas of educational finance and policy, leadership, organizational theory and action research. Through her research and scholarship, Dr. Bussière-Prytula strives to advance understandings of organizational learning, professional learning communities, and educational leadership and accountability. Through her appointment in JSGS, Dr. Bussière-Prytula is able to expand and share her expertise within and beyond the education and government sectors.


  • Ph.D. Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan
  • M.Ed. Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan
  • B.Ed. Education, University of Saskatchewan
  • B.Ed. Commerce, University of Saskatchewan


Undergraduate Teaching

  • EADM 422 - Leading Organizations: An Introduction to Leadership Theory and Practice
  • EDUC 303 - Education in Society: Structures and Systems

Graduate Teaching

  • JSGS 801 – Governance and Administration
  • JSGS 882 – Strategic Management in the Public Sector
  • EADM 811 - History and Development of Organizational Theory
  • EADM 812 - Educational Finance
  • EADM 816 - Instructional Leadership for the Enhancement of Teaching
  • EADM 884 - Policy Making in Education: A Critical Perspective
  • ERES 820 - Action Research

Graduate Supervision

Theses and Dissertations Completed

  • Parohl, V. (2021). Student involvement and student success in high school to post-secondary transitions. [MEd] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Keller, L. (2019). Re-imagining teacher leadership: An autoethnographic inquiry. [PhD] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Solheim, J. (2017). An examination of factors contributing to compatibility between interns and mentors within the education pre-service internship. [PhD] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Press, M. (2015). The lived experience of nurse educators who are required to integrate clinical simulation scenarios into their teaching practice: A phenomenological study. [PhD] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Howe, C. (2015). Examining the relationship between attendance and literacy amongst urban elementary students: An exploratory study intended for awareness and understanding. [MEd] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Van Dyck, A. (2015). What propels helicopter parents? Parents' motivation for over-involvement in their children's higher education. [MEd] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • McTavish, P. (2015). Developing beliefs: A case study into a beginning teacher's understanding of parent engagement. [MEd] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Stauffer, A. (2014). Sexual health knowledge and attitudes of a sample of Saskatchewan post-secondary freshmen. [MEd] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Dollansky, T. (2014). Understanding and Supporting Rural Saskatchewan Beginning Teachers' Perceptions of Their Psychological Contracts: A Pathway to Flourishing in Schools. [PhD] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Ingleton, T. (2014). Appreciative Voices on Leadership and Leadership Development. [PhD] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Mamer, V. (2012). Generation Y Interns' Experiences with, and Perceptions of, Collaboration in Educational Settings. [MEd] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Neumann-Boxer, C. (2012). Dialogue in Educational Organizations: An Exploratory Study of Dialogue and Shared Vision. [PhD] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan.
  • Weiman, K. (2012). Selected Teachers' Experiences in a High School Professional Learning Community. [MEd] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan — National Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE) Master's Thesis Award Recipient.
  • Norris, C. (2011). Living within Reform: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experience of Teacher Leaders in High Schools. [MEd] Department of Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan — National Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA) Haughey Master's Thesis Award Recipient.

Supervisory Capacity

Please note that the supervisory capacity for Fall 2026 will be updated in Summer 2025

Michelle Prytula's research areas: Leadership and leadership policy, educational finance, financial accountability in higher education, public sector leadership, education policy, higher education policy, higher education and adult learning, higher education management and administration.

Select Publications

  • Press, M. M., & Prytula, M. (2018). Faculty experiences with integrating mandated high-fidelity human patient simulation (HF-HPS) into clinical practice: A phenomenological study. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 15(1). 
  • Ogenchuk, M., Hellsten-Bzovey, L., Prytula, M., & Spiggs, P. (2016).  Sport, alcohol, and youth.  The Sport Collection, 7(3/4), 1-13.
  • Maipour, D., Prytula, M., & Moser, M. (2014). A classification of the verbal methods currently used to teach endoscopy. Medical Education, (14), 163-168.
  • Hellsten, L.M., Preston, J.P., Prytula, M., Jeancart, D.P. (2014). Exploring the Experiences of a Small Group of Saskatchewan Neophyte Aboriginal Teachers. InEducation. (19,2) 2-14.
  • Hajnal, V., Prytula, M., Cottrell, M. (2013). Enhancing equity for aboriginal peoples: Adult basic education on-reserve. Practice and Theory in Systems of Education, (8,2), 113-120.
  • Prytula, M., Noonan, B., & Hellsten, L. (2013). Toward instructional leadership: Principals’ perceptions of large-scale assessment in schools. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. (140), 1-30.
  • Ogenchuk, M.J., Hellsten, L.M., Prytula, M. (2013). Gender differences in alcohol prevention programming. Journal of Case Studies in Education. (3), 1-12.
  • Hellsten, L. M., Noonan, B., Preston, J. P., & Prytula, M. (2013). Principals’ perceptions of assessment leadership: A study of the assessment practices of school principals in Saskatchewan (Canada). International Studies in Educational Administration, 40(3).
  • Mamer, V. & Prytula, M. (2012). An Excerpt from a Study on Generation Y Interns’ Experiences With, and Perceptions of Collaboration. SSBL Journal (8), 4-5.
  • Prytula, M. (2012). Teacher Metacognition within the Professional Learning Community. International Education Studies. (5,4) 112-121.
  • Prytula, M. & Ferguson, L. (2011). Becoming: The Role of Mentorship in Integration of Newcomers into Communities of Practice. In E. Ralph & K. Walker (Eds.) Mentorship in the Professions. Calgary, AB: Temeron/Detselig.
  • Key, G. & Prytula, M. (2011). Learning from Manitoba’s Funding Model for Saskatchewan. SSBL Journal. (7), 2-3.
  • Prytula, M. & Weiman, K. (2011). Collaborative professional development: An examination of changes in teacher identity through the professional learning community model. Journal of Case Studies in Education. (3) 1-18.
  • Hellsten, L.M., McIntyre, L. J., & Prytula, M. (2011). Teaching in Rural Saskatchewan: First Year Teachers Identify Challenges and Make Recommendations. Rural Educator. (32,3).
  • Hellsten, L.M. & Prytula, M. (2011). Why teaching? Motivations Influencing Beginning Teachers’ Choice of Profession and Teaching Practice. Research in Higher Education Journal. (13) 1-19.
  • Hellsten, L. M. & Prytula, M. (2011). Supports and Resources Beginning Teachers Find Valuable, STF Bulletin, September 19, 2011.
  • Prytula, M. & Weiman, K. (2011). The Professional Learning Community and its Impact on Teacher Identity. SSBL Journal. (6), 6-7.
  • Prytula, M. (2011). Understanding How Teachers Learn: An Integral Component of Instructional Leadership. SSBL Journal. (5), 4-5.
  • Prytula, M. (2010). Distributed Leadership: Indulging in PLCs. SSBL Journal. (4), 2-3.
  • Prytula, M., Hellsten, L.M., & McIntyre, L. J. (2010). Perceptions of Teacher Planning Time: An Epistemological Challenge. Current Issues in Education. (13, 4) 1-30.
  • Hellsten, L.M., Prytula, M., Ebanks, A., & Lai, H. (2009). Teacher Induction: Exploring Beginning Teacher Mentorship. Canadian Journal of Education. (32, 4) 703-733.


Select International Presentations

  • Prytula, M. (2020). Educational administration in higher education:  Leading for change in a change-resistant environment.  Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE), Singapore, February 9, 2020.
  • Prytula, M., Solheim, J., & Burgess, D. (2018). Computerized and compatibility-based pre-service internship matching: A five-year summary. Commonwealth Council on Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM) International Conference, Qawra, Malta, October 15.
  • Burgess, D., Solheim, J., Chernoff, E., Prytula, M., & Newton, P. (2018). Computer-based models and simulations of schools for administrative decision-making: A Bayesian network approach. Commonwealth Council on Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM) International Conference, Qawra, Malta, October 14.
  • Prytula, M., Burgess. D., Solheim, J., & Nahachewsky, M. (2016). Online dating websites as inspiration for pre-service teacher practicum matching and partnered internships. Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), 6812-6817. Seville, Spain, November 14 – 16.
  • Prytula, M., Burgess. D., Solheim, J., & Nahachewsky, M*. (2016). Continued innovations from the dating scene: Promising potential of online internship matching for partnered placements. Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE) National Conference, Calgary, Canada, May 29 – June 1.
  • Prytula, M. & Burgess, D. (2015). Distributed leadership and participative evaluation: Models for teacher and principal engagement [Liderazgo distríbuido y evaluación participativa: Modelos de involucramiento para docentes y directores en educación]. El Liderazgo Educativo en el Contexto de las Reformas Educativas Internacionales, Desafíos y Nuevas Posibilidades [Educational Leadership in the Context of International Educational Reforms: Challenges and New Possibilities], Chetumal, Mexico, November – Interleader & Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.
  • Prytula, M., Burgess. D., & Solheim, J. (2015). Innovations from the dating scene: An analysis of internship matching data. 20th National Congress on Rural Education, Saskatoon, Canada, March 29 – 31.
  • Prytula, M. (2015). Theory and practice of learning communities [Teoría y práctica de las communidades de aprendizaje]. Simposio Internacional: Liderazgo y Dirección de Organizaciones Educativas [International Simposium: Leadership and Direction for Educational Organizations], Guadalajara, Mexico, March – Interleader & Universidad Marista.
  • Prytula, M., Burgess, D., Newton, P., & Parker, L. (2015). Trends in Leadership in Learning Communities in Canada. [Tendencias Canadienses liderazgo en comunidades de aprendizaje]. Instituto Superior de Investigación y Docencia para el Magisterio [Higher Institute of Research and Instruction for Educators], Guadalajara, Mexico, March – Interleader & Gobierno del Estado Secretaria de Educación Jalisco.
  • Prytula, M., Burgess, D., Newton, P., & Parker, L. (2015). Innovation and contemporary trends in educational leadership: The integration of leadership in learning communities [Innovación y tendencias educativas actuals en liderazgo: La integralidad del liderazgo en las comunidades de aprendizaje]. Escuela Normal Experimental de Colotlán [Experimental Normal School of Colotlán], Colotlán, Mexico, March – Interleader & Gobierno del Estado Secretaria de Educación Jalisco.
  • Prytula, M. (2015). Leadership in Learning Communities. [Liderazgo en comunidades de aprendizaje]. Curso Internacional para Educadores: El Liderazgo y la Dirección en las Comunidades de Aprendizaje [International Course for Educators: Leadership and Direction in Learning Communities], Orizaba, Mexico, March – Interleader & Red de Gestión Comparada con Enfoque Internacional.
  • Prytula, M., Acosta, M., Burgess,D., Diaz, M., Newton, P., & Parker, L. (2015). Trends in educational leadership in Canada: The integration of leadership in learning communities [Tendencias Canadienses educativas actuals en liderazgo: La integralidad del liderazgo en las comunidades de aprendizaje]. Instituto Superior de Investigación y Docencia para el Magisterio [Higher Institute of Research and Instruction for Educators], Guadalajara, Mexico, March – Interleader & Gobierno del Estado Secretaria de Educación Jalisco.
  • Prytula, M., Burgess, D., & Solheim, J. (2015). Innovations in online compatibility matching for mentorship: Proceedings of 26th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, United States, March 2 – 6.
  • Prytula, M., Solheim, J., & Burgess, D. (2015). Innovations from the dating scene: Online mentorship compatibility matching through Clute 2015 International Education Conference, Kaanapali, United States, January 4 – 8.
  • Prytula, M., Cottrell, M., & Hajnal, V. (April, 2013). On-Reserve Adult Basic Education: Hope for the Future. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. April 29, 2013.
  • Hellsten, L. M., Preston, J. P., & Prytula, M. (April, 2013). Experiences of neophyte Aboriginal teachers. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. April 30, 2013.
  • Hellsten, L. & Prytula, M. (2012). The initial development and content validation of an instrument designed to assess teacher identity. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference of Education, Honolulu, HI. January 5-8.
  • Prytula, M. & Hellsten, L. M. (2011). Examining the development of teacher identity through cohort induction models: Early data. Presentation at the 2011 CLUTE International Conference on Education, Las Vegas, NV, October 10-12, 2011.
  • McIntyre, L. J., Hellsten, L. M. & Prytula, M. (2011). Prepared or not prepared? Exploring beginning teachers’ experiences with students with diverse needs. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
  • Hellsten, L.A., McIntyre, L. & Prytula, M. (2011). Exploring the Characteristics of Pedagogical Lurkers. In M. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2011 (pp. 340-343). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
  • Prytula, M. (2010).The Role of Success in a Study of Teacher Metacognition within the Professional Learning Community. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 9, 2010.

Invited Keynote Presentations

  • Prytula, M. (2021).  Phenomenology as a Research Methodology.  Saskatchewan Polytechnic.  Saskatoon, SK. Virtual.  October 20, 2021 (2 hours, ~20 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2020). Quality Education (UNESCO Sustainable Development Goal #4).  President’s Lecture Series.  Saskatoon Seniors Continued Learning-College of Arts & Science.  Virtual.  October 21, 2020. (1 hour ~ 100 participants).
  • Prytula, M. (2020).  Leading from the Middle: A Dean’s Perspective.  Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada Conference Panel.  Regina, SK. March 5, 2020 (1 hour, ~ 100 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2019).  Instructional Leadership in Today’s Current Context – For Aspiring School Leaders.  Regina Teachers’ Convention 2019.  Regina, SK.  October 18, 2019.  (1 hour ~ 30 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2019).  Instructional Leadership in Today’s Current Context – For Current School Administrators.  Regina Teachers’ Convention 2019.  Regina, SK.  October 18, 2019.  (1 hour ~ 40 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2019). Quality Education (Outstanding  Women in Research, Scholarly, and Artistic Work).  President’s Lecture Series.  Saskatoon Seniors Continued Learning-College of Arts & Science.  Saskatoon, SK.  September 11, 2019. (1 hour ~ 130 participants).
  • Prytula, M. (2019). Organizational Change and the TRC Calls to Action.  Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation Western Conference, Saskatoon, SK.  January 29, 2019 (75 minutes ~ 20 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2018). Thoughts on Best Approaches to Teacher Education in Canada. Nutana Rotary Club, Saskatoon, SK. November 2018 (1 hour, ~ 30 alumni and members)
  • Prytula, M. (2018). Inspired by the online dating scene: An innovative approach to solving complex practice and policy challenges with mentor-mentee matching for the pre-service teacher practicum. Newcastle University, Newcastle uponTyne, November 2018 (1.5 hours, ~ 15 faculty and graduate students)
  • Prytula, M., Newton, P., & Burgess, D. (2017). Saskatchewan’s Provincial Education System: Structures, Finance, and Governance. Saskatoon Tribal Council. Saskatoon, Canada, July (2 hours)
  • Prytula, M. (2017). Invited Keynote for LEADS Summer Short Course. League of Educational Administrators, Directors, and Superintendents (LEADS), Fall Seminar, August 8, Waskesiu, SK. (1.5 hours, ~ 120 directors, superintendents, and educational administrators)
  • Prytula, M. (2017). Invited Keynote on Student Engagement. Saskatchewan Indigenous Institute of Technologies (SIIT), Faculty Professional Development, August 19, Saskatoon, SK.  (1.5 hours, ~ 200 elders, administration, faculty and instructors)
  • Prytula, M. (2017) Dean’s Remarks on the Success of the Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program, SUNTEP Report Release, September, 2017 (20 minutes, ~40 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2017). Instructional Leadership in the University Context. 2nd International Conference on Business and Economics, University of Dhaka, October 31, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (1 hour, ~ 50 faculty and graduate students)
  • Prytula, M. (2015). Learning Leadership: Vision, Influence, and Change. Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Department Head/Learning Leader Professional Development. Saskatoon SK. November 25, 2014. (6 hours). (60 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2015). Exploring the School Leader’s Role in Supporting The Learning Facilitator. Prairie Spirit School Division ALT Meeting. Warman, SK. September 22, 2015. (3 hours). (120 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2015). Teacher Leadership: Improvement through Empowerment. Saskatchewan Student Leadership Conference Advisor Group. Shellbrook, SK. September 17, 2015. (1 hour). (100 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2015). Organizational Leadership: Vision, Influence, and Change. Saskatchewan Teachers’ Association Executive Inservice. Saskatoon, SK. September 8, 2015. (2 hours). (30 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2015). Success and the dangers of gapping. Onion Lake Eagleview Comprehensive High School, Onion Lake, SK, June 24, 2015. (30 minutes). (~600 people)
  • Prytula, M. (2014). Learning Leadership. Prairie Spirit School Division ALT Retreat, Saskatoon, SK, September 25, 2014. (6 hours). (~125 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2013). What is Action Research and How Can I Begin? Learning from Practice Conference, Saskatoon, SK, November 22, 2013. (90 minutes). (~25 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2013). Problem-Based Learning. Elrose School, Sun West School Division, June 27, 2013. (3 hours). (~15 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2013). Action Research in Education. Elrose School, Sun West School Division, June 27, 2013. (3 hours). (~20 participants)
  • Prytula, M., Carr-Stewart, S., Lapointe, C., Scott, S. (2012). Mapping Leadership Development Across Canada Panel. CSSE Conference, May 29, 2012. Note: panel presentation. (90 minutes). (~40 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2012). Invited Research Forum for Reclaiming Teaching Practice as Intellectual Work. for Ward, A., Murphy, S., & Glanfield, F. Saskatoon, SK. May 3, 2012. (90 min). Note: Forum participant. (90 minutes). (~40 participants)
  • Cottrell, M., Prytula, M. & Hajnal, V. (2011). On-Reserve Adult Basic Education. Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration. Saskatoon, April 18. (90 minutes). Note: equal contribution by all authors. (~40 participants)
  • Cottrell, M., Prytula, M. & Hajnal, V. (2011). On-Reserve Adult Basic Education. Ministry of Education. Regina, February 1, (2011). (90 minutes). Note: equal contribution by all authors. (~30 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2011). 20th Anniversary Roundtable Discussion: Learning from Practice Conference. Saskatoon, November 11, (2011). (90 minutes). Note: Panel presentation. (~25 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2011). Action Research and Collaborative Inquiry in Schools. Saskatoon Public School Division Annual Administrators’ Banquet. Saskatoon, November 3. (45 min). (~150 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2011). Actualizing the Continuous Improvement Framework in your School. Saskatchewan Principals’ Short Course. Saskatoon, July 5, 2011. (90 minutes). (~40 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2011). Action Research for School Improvement. Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan 38th Annual General Meeting. Saskatoon, May 10, 2011. (30 minutes). (~150 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2011). Action Research in Education. Celebration of Research Conference, College of Education. Saskatoon, March 19, 2011. (45 minutes). (~100 participants)
  • Prytula, M. & Benson, J. (2010). Data Walls in Education. Prairie Spirit School Division. Warman, November 30, 2010. (1 hour). (~30 participants)
  • Prytula, M. (2009). The Continuous Improvement Framework in the Classroom. LEADS Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 15-16, 2009. (1 hour). (~40 participants)