May Yeung BA, MBA
Professional AffiliatesProfessional Affiliate, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan campus
An economist with over thirty years experience in economic research, analysis and assessment, focusing upon international economics, regulatory and policy issues, particularly in agriculture and agri-food. Emphasis has been placed on the impact that changing competitive and regulatory environments can have on the practical aspects of exports, marketing and business development for industries, producers, countries and/or consumers. Recent work includes the impact non-tariff barriers have on global trade; how asynchronous approvals of residue limits of pesticides impede agri-food trade; the effect traceability systems have on the livestock industry, consumer demands and competitiveness; how misaligned government policies and international regulations affect consumers, producers and marketers in different countries; geographic indications in international markets and various assessments of recent international trade negotiations and agreements.
Select Publications
- Yeung, M.T., W.A. Kerr, B. Coomber, M. Lantz and A. McConnell (2017) Declining International Cooperation on Pesticide Regulation: Frittering Away Food Security, New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Hobbs, J.E., S. Malla, E. Sogah and M.T. Yeung (2014) Regulating Health Foods: Policy Challenges and Consumer Conundrums, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Kimbugwe, K., N. Perdikis, M.T. Yeung and W.A. Kerr (2012) Economic Development Through Regional Trade: A Role for the New East African Community? Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Giovanucci, D., T. Josling, W.A. Kerr, B. O’Connor and M.T. Yeung (2009) Guide to Geographical Indications – Linking Products and Their Origins, Geneva: International Trade Centre.
- Hobbs, J.E., S. Malla and M.T. Yeung (2021) ‘Regulating Health Claims: An International Comparison’ in Cinzia Caporale, Ilja Richard Pavone, Maria Pia Ragionieri (eds) International Food Law: How Food Law Can Balance Health, Environment and Animal Welfare, Kluwer Law International.
Refereed Articles
- Khorana, S. and Yeung, M.T. (2023) ‘Structural Transformation and Development: Agricultural Productivity, Aquaculture and Bangladesh’, The Estey Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, V24(2) pp.63-95, November.
- J.E. Hobbs, Khorana, S., and M.T. Yeung (2023) ‘Moving Beyond Least Developed Country Status: Challenges to Diversifying Bangladesh’s Seafood Exports’. Aquaculture Economics and Management. Jan 6. DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2022.2162624
- Yeung, M.T. (2022) ‘Food Security, Agriculture and Policy Making: When Believing Is Not Enough’, The Estey Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, V23(2) pp.125-151, December.
- Yeung, M.T., W.A. Kerr, B. Coomber, M. Lantz and A. McConnell (2018) ‘Declining harmonization in maximum residue levels for pesticides’, British Food Journal, Vol. 120 Issue: 4, pp.901-913, https://doi.org/10.1108/BFJ-05-2017-0291
- Yeung, M.T., W.A. Kerr, B. Coomber, M. Lantz and A. McConnell (2017) ‘Retreat from Harmonization: Trade Uncertainties Arising from Divergent Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticides’, The Journal of World Trade, 51:5, October.
- Viju, C., M.T. Yeung and W.A. Kerr (2014) ‘Zero Tolerance for GM Flax and the Rules of Trade’, The World Economy, 37(1), p.137-150.
Technical Reports/Briefs
- ‘India Market Access, Cross Sector Study: Non-tariff measures impeding UK exports to India’, a study to assess, identify and quantify the impact of non-tariff measures on UK’s exports to India, in collaboration with London School of Economics and Political Science, for the Department of International Trade, Government of the United Kingdom. This study provided the foundation and background for the negotiations resulting in the 2021 Enhanced Trade Partnership Agreement between the UK and India (March, 2021).
- Yeung, May (2022) Mitigating Non-Tariff Measures in Agriculture: Preferential Trade Agreements and Conversations, The Simpson Centre at the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary. Technical Paper 15(21), July.
- Yeung, May and W.A. Kerr (2021) Canada’s Agri-food Export Opportunities in a Covid-19 World, The Simpson Centre at the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary. Briefing Paper 14(5), Feb.
- Yeung, M.T., W.A. Kerr, B. Coomber and Bryant Christie (2016) Opportunities to Mitigate Trade Uncertainties Related to MRLs, prepared for the Canola Council of Canada.
- Boecker, A., J. Hobbs, W.A. Kerr and M.T. Yeung (2013) Traceability: Regulatory Requirements and Consumer Acceptance, prepared for Canadian Food Insights, April.
Current Courses
- JSGS 872 International Trade and Commercial Policy