Marc-André Pigeon PhD, MA, BA
Staff / OtherAssistant Professor, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan; Director and Strategic Research Fellow, Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives
Marc-André Pigeon is an Assistant Professor in the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan campus, and the Director of the Centre for the Study of Co-operatives. He holds a PhD in Mass Communications from Carleton University and has worked in a number of economics and policy-related positions, most recently as assistant vice-president of public policy at the Canadian Credit Union Association. He has also served as interim-vice president of government relations at CCUA, as a special advisor and senior project leader at the federal Department of Finance, and as lead analyst on several federal Parliamentary committees including the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance, the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, the Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce, and the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Dr. Pigeon also worked as an economic researcher at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College and started his career as a financial journalist at Bloomberg Business News.
Dr. Pigeon’s academic background is in economics as well as communications studies (including journalism), having studied at Carleton University, the University of Ottawa and New School University in New York City. His research interests include the study of co-operatives, behavioural economics/psychology, income distribution, money and banking, and fiscal and monetary policy.
Download Marc-André Pigeon's CV.
- PhD, Carleton University
- MA, Ottawa University
- BA, Carleton University
Supervisory Capacity
Marc-Andre Pigeon is not accepting applications from new PhD or MPP for September 2024.
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ottawa University Admissions, and Ottawa University Excellence Scholarships, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Scholarship.
Select Publications
Refereed Articles
- “Did the Clinton Rising Tide Raise all Boats? Job Opportunity for the Less Skilled,” Journal of Economic Issues, Volume XXXIV, No. 4, (December 2000, co-authored with L. Randall Wray).
- "Can Penal Keynesianism Replace Military Keynesianism? An Analysis of Society's Newest 'Solution" for the Hard to Employ and a Proposal for a More Humane Alternative," Social Justice, 27 (Summer 2000, co-authored with L. Randall Wray).
Non-Refereed Articles
- “Canadian Credit Union Perspectives on Marketplace Lending: New Approaches from Day One,” Filene Research Institute (with Indie Madar and Sean Goebey, University of Waterloo), fall 2017.
- “Nudging our Way Forward One Decision at a Time,” Policy Options, June 2013.
- “Data Access, Availability, Access and Aspirations: A Credit Union Story,” Journal of Co-operative Accounting and Reporting, Summer 2012.
- "It Happened but not Again: A Minskian Analysis of Japan's Lost Decade (And Some Thoughts on the Parallels with Recent Events in the U.S. and Canada)," Levy Working Paper No. 303 and 1st prize winner in the Progressive Economics Forum 2000 Canada-wide essay contest.
- “Down and Out in the United States: An Inside Look at the Out of the Labor Force Population,” Public Policy Brief no. 54, 1999, The Jerome Levy Economics Institute (co-authored with L. Randall Wray).
- “Demand Constraint and Economic Growth,” Working Paper No. 269, 1999, The Jerome Levy Economics Institute (co-authored with L. Randall Wray).
- "The Latest Case for an Employer of Last Resort," Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs, May-June 1999, pp. 14-33 (co-authored with L. Randall Wray).
Book Chapters
- "The Wizards of Oz: Monetary Policy, Business Media and Financialization: Linkages and Consequences," in Dwayne Winseck and Dal Yong Jin, eds., Media Political Economies: Hierarchies, Markets, and Finance in the Global Media Industries, 2011, Bloomsbury Academic.
- "Interest Rate Policy at the Bank of Canada: Setting the Agenda," in Marc Lavoie and Mario Seccareccia, eds., Central Banking and the Modern World: Alternative Perspectives, 2002, pp. 112 - 127, Edward Elgar.
Select (Publicly Available) Policy Publications
Standing Committee on Public Accounts
- “Education Program and Post-Secondary Student Support,” 2005.
Senate Agriculture and Forestry Committee
- “Understanding Freefall : The Challenge of the Rural Poor,” 2008.
- “Beyond freefall : halting rural poverty,” Senate Agriculture and Forestry Committee, 2006.
Senate Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee
- “Transparency, Balance and Choice: Canada’s Credit Card and Debit Card System,” 2009
Task Force on Financial Literacy
- “Leveraging Excellence: Charting a course of action to strengthen financial literacy in Canada, 2010.
- “What We Heard,” 2009.