Justin Longo PhD, MPA, BA
JSGS FacultyAssociate Professor, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina campus
Justin Longo is an Assistant Professor in the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Regina, where he directs the Digital Governance Lab. He has a PhD in public policy and public administration from the University of Victoria where he researched the use of social collaboration platforms inside government policy analysis settings. Following postdoctoral work in open governance at Arizona State University and the GovLab @ NYU, his current research focuses on the social, organizational, and political implications of advancing technology.
- PhD in Public Administration, University of Victoria
- MPA, University of Victoria
- BA in Economics, University of Victoria
Supervisory Capacity
Please note that the supervisory capacity for Fall 2026 will be updated in Summer 2025.
Recent Grants/Awards
- 2019: Co-Applicant. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) / Saskatchewan Centre for Patient Oriented Research (SCPOR). “Improving Lung Cancer Diagnosis with Novel Artificial Intelligence Imaging Analytics”. CAD 179 686.
- 2018: Applicant: University of Regina Tri-Agency Cohort Program. “A Public Service for the Digital Era.” CAD 3 000.
- 2017: Associate Member. MacArthur Foundation “Research Network on Opening Governance” (2 year renewal). Total grant: USD 500 000.
- 2016: Co-Applicant, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Establishment Grant. “Smart Active Living Policy”. Principal Applicant: Tarun Katapally. CAD 279 220.
- 2016: Co-Applicant. University of Regina Sustainability and Community Engagement Fund. CAD 1 000.
- 2014-2015: Co-investigator. Citizen Science & Citizen Engagement (CSCE) Grant Program. “Crowdsourcing the Next Great Citizen Science Project" Massive Open Online Research Effort. Arizona State University. $10 000 USD.
- 2011: Co-organizer. SSHRC Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences in Canada. “A Fine Balance: A Critical Exploration of Expertise, Evidence and Democracy in Public Policy-Making and Governance, 1960-2010.” University of Victoria. $25 000 CAD.
- 2010 - 2012: Co-investigator. Data from the Deep, Wisdom from the Crowds: Mass Collaboration and Networked Data to Link NEPTUNE Canada to Society and Policy. CANARIE (Canada’s Advanced Network), Network-Enabled Platforms v2 (NEP-2) Program. University of Victoria. $981 387 CAD.
- 2014-2017: Postdoctoral scholar. MacArthur Foundation Research Network in Opening Governance. The GovLab @ NYU. New York University/Centre for Policy Informatic, Arizona State University
Select Publications
Articles Published in Refereed Journals
- Park, C. H., Longo, J. & Johnston, E. 2019. Exploring Non-State Stakeholder and Community-led Open Governance: Beyond the Three Pillars of Open Government. Public Performance & Management Review. doi: 10.1080/15309576.2019.1677253.
- Longo, J., & Dobell, A.R. 2018. The Limits of Policy Analytics: Early Examples and the Emerging Boundary of Possibilities. (pdf). Politics and Governance 6(4): 5–17. doi: 10.17645/pag.v6i4.1561.
- Katapally, T.R., Bhawra, J., Leatherdale, S.T., Ferguson, L., Longo, J., Rainham, D., Larouche, R., & Osgood, N. 2018. The SMART Study, a Mobile Health and Citizen Science Methodological Platform for Active Living Surveillance, Integrated Knowledge Translation, and Policy Interventions: Longitudinal Study. JMIR Public Health Surveillance 4(1): e31. doi: 10.2196/publichealth.8953.
- Longo, J. 2017. The evolution of citizen and stakeholder engagement in Canada, from Spicer to #Hashtags. Canadian Public Administration 60(4): 517–537 doi: 10.1111/capa.12229.
- Hondula, D. M., Kuras, E. R., Longo, J., & Johnston, E.W. 2017. Toward Precision Governance: Infusing Data into Public Management of Environmental Hazards. Public Management Review 20(5): 746-765. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2017.1320043.
- Longo, J., Kuras, E., Smith, H., Hondula, D. M., & Johnston, E. 2017. Technology Use, Exposure to Natural Hazards, and Being Digitally Invisible: Implications for Policy Analytics. Policy & Internet 9(1): 76–108 doi:10.1002/poi3.144.
- Janssen, M., Matheus, R., Longo, J., & Weerakkody, V. 2017. Transparency-by-Design as a Foundation for Open Government. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 11(1): 2-8 doi:10.1108/TG-02-2017-0015.
- Longo, J., & Kelley, T. M. 2016. GitHub use in public administration in Canada: Early experience with a new open collaboration tool. Canadian Public Administration 59(4): 598–623 doi: 10.1111/capa.12192.
- Wald, D.M., Longo, J., & Dobell, A.R. 2015. “Design Principles for Engaging and Retaining Virtual Citizen Scientists.” Conservation Biology (special issue on citizen science). http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cobi.12627/abstract.
- Till, B.C., Longo, J., Dobell, A.R., & Driessen, P.F. (2014), “Self-organizing maps for latent semantic analysis of free-form text in support of public policy analysis.” WIREs Data Mining Knowl Discov, 4, 1: 71–86. doi: 10.1002/widm.1112.
- Longo, Justin. 2011. “#OpenData: Digital-Era Governance Thoroughbred or New Public Management Trojan Horse?” Public Policy and Governance Review. Vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 38-51. Spring 2011. (Winning Essay, 2011 Sylvia Ostry Prize in Public Policy).
- Longo, Justin and R. Anthony Hodge. 2007. “The Ecosystem Dilemma: Discordance Between Nature and Culture.” Horizons: The Journal of the Policy Research Initiative. Vol. 9, no. 3. February 2007.
Hodge, R. A. and J.M.J. Longo. 2002. “International monitoring for environmental health surveillance.” Canadian Journal of Public Health. Vol. 93, Supl. 1, Sept/Oct 2002: S16-S23.
Refereed Books, Books Chapters and Monographs
- Longo, J. 2020. Was Open Government Just a Moment? (preprint) In T. A. Small & H. J. Jansen (eds.) Digital Politics in Canada: Promises & Realities. Chapter 3, pp. 65-89. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Longo, J. 2018. Digital Tools for Rapid Policy Design (preprint). In M. Howlett and I. Mukherjee (eds.). Handbook of Policy Design. Chapter 19, pp. 288-301. New York: Routledge.
- Longo, J., & McNutt, K. 2018. From Policy Analysis to Policy Analytics (preprint). Chapter 18, pp. 367-389. In M. Howlett and L. Dobuzinskis (eds.) Policy Analysis in Canada. Bristol, UK: Policy Press / International Library of Policy Analysis.
- Longo, J. 2017. Towards Policy Analysis 2.0: Platforms for Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration Among Policy Analysts. (preprint) In M. Howlett, A. Wellstead and J. Craft (eds.) Policy Work in Canada: Professional Practices and Analytical Capacities. Chapter 17, pp. 302-321. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Longo, Justin, Dara M. Wald and David M. Hondula. 2015. “The Future of Policy Informatics.” In Erik W. Johnston (ed.) Governance in the Information Era: Theory and Practice of Policy Informatics. Chapter 19, pp. 335-352. New York: Routledge.
- Longo, Justin. 2015. “The Future of Computer-Supported Policy Analysis: Openness, Collaboration, Collective Intelligence and Competition.” In Edward A. Parson (ed.) A Subtle Balance: Expertise, Evidence, and Democracy in Policy Policy Governance, 1970-2010. Chapter 12, pp. 183-206. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.
- Dobell, Rodney with Justin Longo, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, William C. Clark, Nancy M. Dickson, Gerda Dinkelman, Adam Fenech, Peter M. Haas, Jill Jäger, Ruud Pleune, Ferenc L. Tóth, Miranda A. Schreurs and Josee van Eijndhoven. 2001. “Implementation in the management of global environmental risks.” In Social Learning Group. 2001. Learning to Manage Global Environmental Risks, Volume 2: A Functional Analysis of Social Responses to Climate Change, Ozone Depletion and Acid Rain. Edited by William C. Clark, Jill Jäger, Josee van Eijndhoven and Nancy M. Dickson. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Mitchell, Darcy, Kelly Vodden and Justin Longo. 2001. “Building Capacity or Straining Resources? The Role of Non-profit Organizations in Threatened Rural Economies.” Kathy Brock and Keith G. Banting (eds.) The Nonprofit Sector and Government in a New Century. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.